My name is Dwight Fidler. I had the pleasure and honour to work with a man named E. Gary Gygax. Some may know him as the father of role-playing games and a prolific writer who took time to interact with his fans and was always approachable (albeit cantankerous at times - in a fun ol' hippy way). I considered him a friend and none can fill the hole left behind when he passed on.
Through my interactions with him I learned a lot about publishing, writing and game design. Through him I met many other established creators and writers in the gaming world. One such man is Christopher Clark who has been a source of encouragement and advice.
In this time I worked on various projects and bought the rights to "Toying With Destruction" by Mark C. Mackinnon.
Eventually (around the time Gygax Games disappeared) I decided instead of trying to publish my works elsewhere, I would try my hand at running an independent small press publishing company.
While I have my own works, I have been dedicating my time to helping others get published and starting to brand the business. I've come to thoroughly enjoy working with people and helping them realize their dreams of being published. This has been a hard, turbulent, and very rewarding job.
There isn't any idea I wouldn't consider, however I am concentrating on short stories, RPG adventure scenerios, and simple but "different"games.
This is a passion, and I'm lucky to have many freelance authors, graphic designers, proofreaders, and friends in this area. Artists... I can always use more artists!
1.5 spacing; Courier New; .odt preferred, .doc accepted; cover page with author name (and your real name if using a pseudonym), physical address (add mailing address if different from physical address), approximate word count, email address (and your email address associated with PayPal if applicable).
Unless commissioned, make sure to watermark your art or just send it in low resolution until a deal is struck. This protects you.